Thursday, May 1, 2008

The End.

This is my last post for the semester. I've enjoyed interacting with you all and loved receiving feedback from you. It's been fun and challenging at the same time. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts. Good luck on finals!!

I’ve never heard of a “Quixotic” reading. I can’t say that I completely understand everything that Jacobs talked about in the two chapters we were assigned to read. I have lots of questions…which is a good thing I suppose but I wish I had a better grasp on the theories/concepts. One particular quote of Jacobs’ stuck out as important in comprehending Quixotic reading:

“It is not only the powerful who transform books into mirrors; surely more common is the reader who discovers reflections of his or her weaknesses, struggles, and puzzlements.”

This style of reading is an “invitation” between the author and the reader who are seekers on this “common venture.” Both can grow and learn from the text. Both have the opportunity to discover unknowns about their identity and who they are. I feel like a main purpose of this type of reading is for all humans to be able to find some relevance within the writing. It is creating a welcoming environment where all readers will have a place or purpose in the text. Jacobs emphasizes the importance of “hope” for the readers through this invitation.

As the end of this semester is quickly approaching I find myself looking back over all the essays we’ve read for this class. I can’t believe how many new ideas and theories I’ve been presented with during this time. I don’t always understand the text fully but through class discussions and blog interactions I usually gain a better sense of the literature we read. I definitely appreciate all the insight my classmates provide me with through blog comments and posts. So guys, keep it coming! I’d love to hear your views and opinions on Alan Jacobs’ book. J

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