Tuesday, April 8, 2008

feminist theory??

After reading Cixous and Woolf it starts to become redundant that women have been suppressed by males throughout the history of our society. This is something we know and so what is being done about it? I found Kolodny's essay, Dancing Through the Minefield, to be a cry for change, not only in men but also women. This change is in the way we read and think about literature.

"Since the grounds upon which we assign aesthetic value to texts are never infallible, unchangeable, or universal, we must re-examine not only our aesthetics but, as well, the inherent biases and assumptions informing the critical methods which (in part) shape our aesthetic responses” (2158).

It's time to "re-examine" the way we do things. I liked how Kolodny isn't man-hating in her essay. She isn't contrasting women's literature with men's literature. She is simply raising awareness and asking all readers to interpret women's writing in a new way. It's important to reach this common ground where men and women alike can work together to understand each other and the writing that each gender creates. For me this is what feminist theory should be all about...unifying with men to transform the ideas surrounding women's literature from the past, present, and well into the future. This change is necessary.

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