I liked Aquinas’ arguments concerning biblical text. The bible makes these comparisons or uses parables in order for us sinners to understand and learn from them. These examples provide clear images that are relatable or can be transformed into situations in our own lives. Isn’t that the point? God wants us to learn and grow from His word and if the bible had been written in this divine language we wouldn’t be able to understand, for we are but mere humans. Aquinas says this much better then me: “spiritual truths be expounded by means of figures taken from corporeal things, in order that thereby even the simple who are unable by themselves to grasp intellectual things may be able to understand it” (244). He also goes on to say that these “divine truths are the better hidden from the unworthy” (244). It goes to prove that we can’t handle the power of God. It’s like in the Old Testament where often prophets couldn’t look into the face of God because it would most likely kill them. Instead they would fall face down or listen to God’s voice. I think what I got out of this essay was that the bible is a text written for the sinners of this world, for everyone. And in the word sinners can find freedom and salvation. And we can understand and relate and grow from this because the truths are presented in a way that is accessible to all human beings.